Anmeldung (Page)
Diagnostikkurs in medizinischer Parasitologie Herzlichen Dank für Ihr Interesse an unserem Kursangebot. Wir werden Ihnen in Kürze die Bestätigung sowie weitere wichtige Informationen zum Kurs zusenden
Application Management Courses (Page)
Management Courses Thank you for your registration! We will contact you as soon as possible with your invoice. If you have requested online participation, we will confirm your choice as soon as possib
Application (Page)
MBA in International Health Management Thank you for completing this application form. We will be in touch with you shortly. If you have any questions, please contact us at Yours
Inscription (Page)
Inscription cours de diagnostic Merci pour votre inscription. Nous vous enverrons une confirmation dans les prochains jours. Meilleures salutations, Votre secrétariat de cours au Swiss TPH
Ethik und Datenschutz (Page)
Ethik und Datenschutz Das Studienprotokoll der SOPHYA-Studie wurde der Ethikkommission beider Basel zur Begutachtung vorgelegt. Sie hat die SOPHYA-Studie eingehend geprüft. Aus Sicht der Ethikkommissi
Targeted Vaccination to Interrupt Rabies Transmission (Page)
Targeted Vaccination to Interrupt Rabies Transmission 28.09.2018 Although the disease is preventable, rabies continues to kill more than 60,000 people per year – mainly children in Asia and Africa. Ne
Air Pollution (Page)
Air Pollution - An Invisible Killer Air pollution causes almost 4 million deaths annually. This burden is larger than the one of the deadliest infectious disease. Swiss TPH belongs to the leading rese
Wissenschaftlich belegt: Luftverschmutzung schadet der Gesundheit (Page)
Wissenschaftlich belegt: Luftverschmutzung schadet der Gesundheit 31.01.2019 In Deutschland ist die Diskussion rund um Grenzwerte für Luftschadstoffe wie Stickoxid, Feinstaub und Ozon neu entflammt. D
Improving treatment of helminth infections (Page)
After completing her pharmacy degree at the University of Basel, Keiser believed she would move into the pharmaceutical industry. However, a trip to Tanzania in 1993 changed her life forever. “What I
World Zoonoses Day: The Jigjiga One Health Initiative (Page)
Over 30 million pastoralists in Ethiopia, Somalia and Kenya are affected by inadequate access to essential healthcare and a poorly developed veterinary service for their livestock. Pastoralist communi