Effects of changing mosquito host searching behaviour on the cost effectiveness of a mass distribution of long-lasting, insecticidal nets: a modelling... (Publications)
BACKGROUND: The effectiveness of long-lasting, insecticidal nets (LLINs) in preventing malaria is threatened by the changing biting behaviour of mosquitoes, from nocturnal and endophagic to crepuscular [...] stochastic simulation models, we studied the impact of a mass LLIN distribution on Plasmodium falciparum malaria. Specifically, we looked at impact in terms of episodes prevented during the effective life of the [...] occur within the same mosquito population. LLINs are likely cost effective...
Infection and co-infection with helminths and <em>Plasmodium</em> among school children in Côte d'Ivoire: results from a national cross-sectional... (Publications)
Helminth infection and malaria remain major causes of ill-health in the tropics and subtropics. There are several shared risk factors (e.g., poverty), and hence, helminth infection and malaria overlap geographically [...] provide a rationale to combine control interventions that simultaneously aim at helminthiases and malaria
Resistance of <em>Anopheles stephensi</em> to selected insecticides used for indoor residual spraying and long-lasting insecticidal nets in Ethiopia (Publications)
BACKGROUND: Malaria, transmitted by the bite of infective female Anopheles mosquitoes, remains a global public health problem. The presence of invasive Anopheles stephensi, capable of transmitting Plasmodium [...] 2016. The ecology of this mosquito species differs from that of Anopheles arabiensis, the primary malaria vector in Ethiopia. This study aimed to evaluate the efficacy of selected insecticides, which are [...] are used in indoor residual spraying (IRS) and selected long-lasting...
The development of an ivermectin-based attractive toxic sugar bait (ATSB) to target <em>Anopheles arabiensis</em> (Publications)
Africa are moving towards malaria-elimination, mostly thanks to successful vector control campaigns. However, elimination has proven challenging, resulting in the persistence of malaria transmission. It is now [...] now accepted that in order to eliminate malaria, new complementary vector control approaches must be developed. This study describes the development of a sugar-baited resting place containing a toxic dose
Molecular methods for tracking residual <em>Plasmodium falciparum </em>transmission in a close-to-elimination setting in Zanzibar (Publications)
essential for surveillance studies conducted to inform malaria control strategies in close-to-elimination settings. Molecular monitoring of residual malaria infections usually requires a large study size, therefore [...] screening large sample sets represents primarily a research tool that should inform the design of malaria elimination strategies. It may also prove beneficial for diagnostic tasks in surveillance-response
Meeting (Page)
13th Annual Roll Back Malaria Vector Control Working Group Meeting We kindly ask you to complete the registration form, including the registration fee payment (CHF 250.- per person), latest by December
COVID-19: Have we learned anything from previous lessons? (Page)
SARS-CoV-2, but the increase in malaria transmission now observed in many African countries is closely linked to the pandemic. The gains made over the past two decades in malaria control are now at risk. Linking [...] diseases, especially in remote areas, went untreated. It is estimated that 500,000 more people died of malaria and pneumonia during the Ebola epidemic than on average. This is known as "collateral damage." Worsening [...] overburdening fragile health systems: the negative effects...
Medical Parasitology and Infection Biology | Departments of Swiss TPH (Page)
Immunology Malaria Host Interactions Parasite Chemotherapy Unit Tuberculosis Ecology and Evolution Unit Tuberculosis Immunology Viral Immunology MPI News All News 27.04.2023 Time to Deliver Zero Malaria: Invest [...] these biological processes, we hope to contribute to the control of diseases of poverty such as malaria, tuberculosis, trypanosomiasis, dengue, Buruli ulcer and helminth infections. Research on Pathogen [...] gagneux@swisstph.ch Clinical Immunology Gene Regulation Helminth Drug...
The effect of <em>Plasmodium falciparum</em> exposure and maternal anti-circumsporozoite protein antibodies on responses to RTS,S/AS01E vaccination in... (Publications)
BACKGROUND: The RTS,S/AS01(E) malaria vaccine showed lower antibody response and protective efficacy in infants aged 6-12 weeks compared with children aged 5-17 months (for whom this vaccine is recommended) [...] antibody immunoglobulin G (IgG) responses measured by ELISA and pre-vaccination serological markers of malaria exposure by assessing the IgG levels against 1000 P falciparum antigens using partial proteome m [...] The negative effect of maternal anti-CSP IgG in infants did not appear to...
Massive Open Online Course on Insecticide Resistance Management (Projects)
the authoritative resource for Insecticide Resistance Management (IRM) in the mosquito vectors of malaria. However, IRM is an applied science, and there is a need to translate theory into practice. Whilst [...] to anyone, but will be specifically designed for, and promoted to, those involved with practical malaria vector control. <!-- [if gte mso 9]> <