Mobile Phone Radiation Affects the Brains of Adolescents (Page)
Mobile Phone Radiation Affects the Brains of Adolescents Two PhD students, Katharina Roser and Anna Schöni, studied the health impacts of mobile phone use on adolescents. In this HERMES study, they di
Health Insurance for Rural Tanzania (Page)
Health Insurance for Rural Tanzania Basic healthcare in Tanzania, supported by general health insurance – this is the objective of a joint project with the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation
Nicolaus Lorenz: Dedicated to Improving People's Health (Page)
Nicolaus Lorenz: Dedicated to Improving People's Health Under the leadership of Nicolaus Lorenz, the Swiss Centre for International Health grew enormously. He had always one goal in mind: to improve t
Reduced Efficacy of Anthelmintic Drugs (Page)
Reduced Efficacy of Anthelmintic Drugs 26.09.2017 Approximately 1.5 billion people worldwide are affected by soil-transmitted helminth infections. Efficacy of current treatments is decreasing, as indi
Eier der Tigermücke in Basel gefunden (Page)
Eier der Tigermücke in Basel gefunden 25.08.2017 Ende Juli wurden an zwei Orten im Kanton Basel-Stadt Eigelege der Tigermücke gefunden. Das Schweizerische Tropen- und Public Health-Institut (Swiss TPH
Malaria Photo and Video Contest (Page)
The Swiss Malaria Group and its partners are launching a worldwide #EndMalaria Photo and Video Contest. All Swiss TPH News Malaria Malaria Photo and Video Contest 16.01.2017 by Konstantina Boutsika Pa
Studying under war conditions – student perspectives (Page)
Diana Galiiashis “At TNMU we study in a mixed format: the lectures are taught in Microsoft Teams, and practical classes are offline in the university classrooms or classrooms in different hospitals in
Mehr Innovation – Weniger Armut: Basler Institutionen spielen gegen Malaria auf (Page)
Mehr Innovation – Weniger Armut: Basler Institutionen spielen gegen Malaria auf 20.04.2018 Basel hat eine lange Tradition auf dem Gebiet der Malaria. Seit Jahrzehnten setzen sich öffentliche und priva
African Sleeping Sickness - Putting an End to the Fatal Disease (Page)
African sleeping sickness can only be tackled in a combined effort – an example of the innovative power of Swiss TPH, from the search for new pharmaceutical compounds to economic analysis. 01.06.2016
A Tireless Leader (Page)
Fifteen times around the world in two years, 213 e-mails responded on a single day – Marcel Tanner is one of the world’s most sought-after health experts. On 30 June 2015, he formally handed over the