The underlying reasons for very high levels of bed net use, and higher malaria infection prevalence among bed net users than non-users in the... (Publications)
even suppress entire populations of malaria vectors that feed predominantly upon humans. Nevertheless, an epidemiological study in 2012 demonstrated higher malaria prevalence among bed net users than non-users [...] against malaria. Houses with well-screened windows, with doors that shut properly, and that use insecticidal sprays against mosquitoes, were said not to use bed nets, while frequent attacks from malaria was [...] compromise its effectiveness and supposedly increase of malaria...
Longitudinal estimation of <em>Plasmodium falciparum </em>prevalence in relation to malaria prevention measures in six sub-Saharan African countries (Publications)
(PfPR) is a widely used metric for assessing malaria transmission intensity. This study was carried out concurrently with the RTS,S/AS01 candidate malaria vaccine Phase III trial and estimated PfPR over [...] 3 sites. Surveys were usually performed during the peak malaria parasite transmission season, in one home visit, when medical history and malaria risk factors/prevention measures were collected, and a blood [...] 0.52, 0.68, 0.41) and bed net use in 2 surveys (ORs: 0.63, 0.68, 1.03, 1.78)...
Malaria prevention strategies and recommendations, from chemoprophylaxis to stand-by emergency treatment: a 10-year prospective study in a Swiss... (Publications)
There are several possible malaria prevention strategies for travellers. In Switzerland, chemoprophylaxis (CP) is recommended for persons visiting areas highly endemic for malaria and stand-by emergency treatment [...] fic malaria preventive recommendations provided and medicines prescribed over time were analysed. Results: In total, 64 858 client-trips were recorded. 91% of travellers planned to visit a malaria endemic [...] treatment (SBET) for areas with moderate to low risk. Objective: To...
Malaria prevention recommendations for risk groups visiting sub-Saharan Africa: a survey of European expert opinion and international recommendations (Publications)
INTRODUCTION: Malaria prevention can be complex due to the individual characteristics of the traveller, travel destination, duration of stay and type of travel. Our aim in this study was to document malaria che [...] visiting malaria-endemic areas of sub-Saharan Africa. METHODS: Travel medicine experts in Europe were asked to complete an online questionnaire, a 28-item Survey Monkey survey, on 11 malaria prevention [...] of the UK, U.S. CDC, Germany, Switzerland, WHO and the electronic Medicines...
Malaria case management by community health workers in the Central African Republic from 2009-2014: overcoming challenges of access and instability... (Publications)
infectious diseases, including malaria. As a response, in 2008 an international non-governmental organization started a network of community health workers (CHWs) in the highly malaria-endemic region of northwest [...] hence different stages of conflict and unrest. Several indicators were measured over time, including malaria rapid diagnostic test (RDT) positivity rates, CHW reporting rates, and malnutrition indicators. RESULTS: [...] nearly 200,000 people who consulted a CHW during this period,...