Antiprotozoal activity profiling of approved drugs: a starting point toward drug repositioning (Publications)
available to treat diseases such as leishmaniasis, Chagas' disease, human African trypanosomiasis and malaria. Since drug development is lengthy and expensive, a drug repurposing strategy offers an attractive
Discovery and structure-activity relationships of pyrrolone antimalarials (Publications)
2000-fold) compared to a mammalian cell line (L6), and significant activity against a rodent model of malaria when administered intraperitoneally. Structure-activity relationship studies have indicated ways
Analogues of thiolactomycin as potential anti-malarial and anti-trypanosomal agents (Publications)
thiolactomycin (TLM) have been synthesised and evaluated for their ability to inhibit the growth of the malaria parasite, Plasmodium falciparum. Thiolactomycin is an inhibitor of Type II fatty acid synthase which
Ensuring transmission through dynamic host environments: host-pathogen interactions in <em>Plasmodium </em>sexual development (Publications)
A renewed global commitment to malaria elimination lends urgency to understanding the biology of Plasmodium transmission stages. Recent progress toward uncovering the mechanisms underlying Plasmodium
Osama Seidahmed (People)
c region. His work includes diverse operational outcomes in the battle against diseases such as malaria, dengue, Chikungunya, and Rift Valley fever. He also contributed to the teaching at a college level
Aita Signorell (People)
circumstances in resource limited settings and designed for poverty-related diseases like tuberculosis, malaria and sleeping sickness. Dr. Signorell’s primary interest lies in the field of community-centered medicines
Expert Committee Memberships | Scientific and Policy Advice (Page)
of Medical Research (BC); Fakultätsversammlung Phil Nat Uni Basel; WHO Malaria Policy Advisory Committee (MPAG); Zanzibar Malaria Elimination Advisory Committee Jennifer Keiser WHO Advisory Group on S [...] international organisations such as the WHO on evidence-based health policy. Sabina Beatrice Swiss Malaria Group (SMG) Leah Bohle Medical Anthropology Switzerland (MAS); Parlamentarische Gruppe sexuelle [...] International Health Iris Haueter Institut für Führung und Psychologie (IFP) Manuel...
10 Jahre Swiss TPH: Integration vom ISPM ins damalige Tropeninstitut (News)
vereinen. Das STI war insbesondere stark auf dem Gebiet der Erforschung von Armutskrankheiten wie der Malaria, Bilharziose oder der Schlafkrankheit sowie der Gesundheitssystemforschung in afrikanischen Ländern [...] 'epidemiologische Transition' schnell voran. Die Gefahr der klassischen Infektionskrankheiten wie Malaria, Tuberkulose oder HIV/Aids besteht weiterhin. Doch Dank erfolgreicher Forschung können diese Inf [...] Ko-Morbiditäten ist die Interaktion von HIV und Tuberkulose. Wenig...
Bioactives (Page)
collaboration with Swiss TPH include novel treatments for Buruli ulcer, human African trypanosomiasis, malaria and soil-transmitted helminths. Available Drug Efficacy Tests According to Pathogen Species Bacteria [...] mansoni T. b. rhodesiense between red blood cells Aedes aegypti Related Topics Infectious Diseases Malaria Helminths Human African Trypanosomiasis (HAT) Tuberculosis Related Activities Arthropod Testing Facility
Master of Science in Infection Biology | Swiss TPH (Page)
early male gametocyte-specific protein which can help us further understand transmission stages of malaria. With half the world's population at risk of becoming infected, basic research into the intricate [...] intricate biology of the parasite is crucial.” Patricia Landeau Millan MSc Infection Biology student, Malaria Gene Regulation Unit At a Glance Duration: 3 semesters (90 ECTS) starting from September (Autumn semester)