Ancistrotanzanine C and related 5,1'- and 7,3'-coupled naphthylisoquinoline alkaloids from <em>Ancistrocladus tanzaniensis</em> (Publications)
and chiroptical methods. The biological activities of the alkaloids against the pathogens causing malaria tropica, leishmaniasis, Chagas' disease, and African sleeping sickness were evaluated
Abnormal blood glucose concentrations on admission to a rural Kenyan district hospital: prevalence and outcome (Publications)
a on admission was 7.3%. Severe illness, malnutrition, last meal > 12 hours ago, and a positive malaria slide were independently associated with hypoglycaemia. Overall, mortality in hypoglycaemic children
Repurposing know-how for drug development: case studies from the Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute (Publications)
of neglected tropical diseases and other infectious diseases of poverty, such as schistosomiasis, malaria and human African trypanosomiasis.
Synthesis and antiprotozoal activity of azabicyclo-nonane pyrimidine hybrids (Publications)
protozoan parasites. A series of fused hybrids were synthesized and tested in vitro against pathogens of malaria tropica and sleeping sickness. The activities and selectivities of compounds strongly depended on
Translation of liver stage activity of M5717, a <em>Plasmodium</em> elongation factor 2 inhibitor: from bench to bedside (Publications)
stage of Plasmodium infection through chemoprevention could become a key intervention to reduce malaria-associated incidence and mortality. METHODS: M5717, a Plasmodium elongation factor 2 inhibitor, was
Vector-borne diseases in humans and animals: activities of the Swiss Tropical Institut and risks for Switzerland (Publications)
This overview presents the Swiss Tropical Institute's (STI) activities on vector-borne diseases (malaria, trypanosomosis, and leishmaniosis in humans and tick-borne diseases in livestock), describes the
Discovery of a quinoline-4-carboxamide derivative with a novel mechanism of action, multistage antimalarial activity, and potent in vivo efficacy (Publications)
pharmacokinetic profile led to several compounds showing excellent oral efficacy in the P. berghei malaria mouse model with ED90 values below 1 mg/kg when dosed orally for 4 days. The favorable potency,
Evaluation of ethnobotanically selected Benin medicinal plants for their in vitro antiplasmodial activity (Publications)
Twenty extracts from nine Benin medicinal plants, traditionally used to treat malaria, were screened for in vitro antiplasmodial activity towards Plasmodium falciparum K1 chloroquine resistant and 3D7
Declining burden of <em>Plasmodium vivax</em> in a population in northwestern Thailand from 1995 to 2016 before comprehensive primaquine prescription... (Publications)
and artemisinin-based therapy, species-specific diagnostics, and bed net usage all of which reduce malaria transmission but not P. vivax relapse. In the absence of widespread primaquine use for radical cure
Christian Selinger (People)
in pathogens and diseases affecting humans such as HIV, Influenza, Polio, HPV, Coronaviruses and Malaria.