Identification of nuclear proteins that differentially interact with <em>Plasmodium falciparum</em> var gene promoters (Publications)
PfEMP1 is responsible for both antigenic variation and cytoadherence of infected erythrocytes in malaria. Approximately 50 var genes per parasite genome code for this highly polymorphic surface protein
A <em>Plasmodium falciparum</em> bromodomain protein regulates invasion gene expression (Publications)
expression of invasion genes and indicate that targeting PfBDP1 could be an invaluable tool in malaria eradication
Anti-malarial ozonides OZ439 and OZ609 tested at clinically relevant compound exposure parameters in a novel ring-stage survival assay (Publications)
BACKGROUND: Drug efficacy against kelch 13 mutant malaria parasites can be determined in vitro with the ring-stage survival assay (RSA). The conventional assay protocol reflects the exposure profile of
Monica Golumbeanu (People)
her research focuses on developing data-driven computational analyses and mathematical models of malaria infection dynamics to assess the impact of interventions on host and parasite populations. Previously
A Programmatic Analysis of integrated Community Case Management (iCCM): A Multicountry Systems-Wide Analysis of the RAcE (Rapid Access Expansion) iCCM... (Projects)
provide children living in remote areas with access to case management for pneumonia, diarrhea, and malaria at the community level. The Rapid Access Expansion Programme (RAcE), steered by the World Health
Helen Prytherch (People)
(GIZ), Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation, World Health Organization and the Roll Back Malaria Partnership.
Klaus Reither (People)
Medical Research Programme, Tanzania/LMU Munich, Germany 2005-2006 Study Coordinator. Northern Region Malaria Project, Ghana/Charité Berlin - Other 1993 - 2005 Internal Medicine and Radiology
Diagnostik: Methoden und Material (Page)
nachgewiesen werden, weshalb die Serologie zur Diagnose einer akuten Malaria ungeeignet ist. Differenzierung verschiedener Malaria-Arten serologisch nicht möglich. Antikörper können Monate bis Jahre p [...] akkreditiert. Plasmodium spp. (Malaria) Methode: Screening real-time PCR mit anschliessender Differenzierung aller humanpathogene Plasmodium Arten ( P. falciparum, P. vivax, P. malariae, P. ovale, P. knowlesi [...] Sensitivität auf ca. 60% sinkt. Spezifität: Kreuzreaktionen möglich mit...
Comparative functional survival and equivalent annual cost of 3 long-lasting insecticidal net (LLIN) products in Tanzania: a randomised trial with... (Publications)
BACKGROUND: Two billion long-lasting insecticidal nets (LLINs) have been procured for malaria control. A functional LLIN is one that is present, is in good physical condition, and remains insecticidal [...] monitor their comparative durability to ensure that the most cost-effective products are procured for malaria control.
Socio-cultural factors explaining timely and appropriate use of health facilities for degedege in south-eastern Tanzania (Publications)
BACKGROUND: Convulsions is one of the key signs of severe malaria among children under five years of age, potentially leading to serious complications or death. Several studies of care-seeking behaviour [...] that facilities did not provide diagnosis. CONCLUSION: The findings from this sample from a highly malaria-endemic area give support to the more recent studies showing that children with convulsions are more