Genomic distribution and functional characterisation of two distinct and conserved <em>Plasmodium falciparum</em> var gene 5' flanking sequences (Publications)
Approximately 50 highly diverse var genes distributed throughout the haploid genome of the malaria parasite Plasmodium falciparum code for PfEMP1 variants located on the surface of infected erythrocytes
<em>In vitro</em> and<em> in vivo</em> activity of Solithromycin (CEM-101) against <em>Plasmodium</em> species (Publications)
the same dose required for artesunate or chloroquine to achieve 100% cure rates in this rodent malaria model. These promising in vitro and in vivo data support further investigations into the development
The reliability of pre-travel history to decide on appropriate counseling and vaccinations: a prospective study (Publications)
history and the effect on advice regarding the administration of vaccines and recommendations for malaria prevention.METHODS: We included prospectively all consenting adults who had not planned an organized
Multiple parasite infections and their relationship to self-reported morbidity in a community of rural Côte d'Ivoire (Publications)
soil-transmitted helminths and intestinal protozoa. Giemsa-stained blood smears were analysed for malaria parasites. A questionnaire was administered for collection of demographic information and self-reported
Prognostic value of quickSOFA as a predictor of 28-day mortality among febrile adult patients presenting to emergency departments in Dar es Salaam,... (Publications)
origin. The most common site and causes of infections were the respiratory tract (43%), dengue (26%), malaria (6%) and typhoid fever (5%). Twenty-eight-day all-cause mortality was 6%: 3% for patients with a
Retrospective study on the usefulness of pulse oximetry for the identification of young children with severe illnesses and severe pneumonia in a rural... (Publications)
episodes in an intervention trial assessing the efficacy of Intermittent Preventive Treatment for malaria in infants (IPTi) in Papua New Guinea (PNG) from June 2006 to May 2010. SETTING: The IPTi study was
Effect of insecticide-treated bed nets on the dynamics of multiple <em>Plasmodium falciparum</em> infections (Publications)
areas of high P. falciparum endemicity, ITNs have little effect on the establishment of chronic malaria infection.
Climate Change and Health (News)
as heat stress, climate change also impacts on diseases that are transmitted by vectors such as malaria or results in crop failure and thus malnutrition. Poor people more affected Poor people are particularly
Parasitologie (Page)
nachgewiesen werden, weshalb die Serologie zur Diagnose einer akuten Malaria ungeeignet ist. Differenzierung verschiedener Malaria-Arten serologisch nicht möglich. Antikörper können Monate bis Jahre p [...] Trypanosomiasis) Cryptosporidien Cyclosporiasis Cystoisosporiasis Dientamoebiasis Giardia Leishmaniose Malaria Schlafkrankheit (afrikanische Trypanosomiasis) Helminthen Angiostrongyloidose Anisakiasis Echinokokkose [...] : 95% Spezifität : 95%, Kreuzreaktionen möglich mit afrikanischen...
Open House 2023: Besuchen Sie uns im neuen Swiss TPH (Page)
Vorträgen, interaktiven Workshops und Spielen für Gross und Klein. Möchten Sie herausfinden, wie Malaria übertragen wird? Wissen Sie, wie die Umwelt und unser Lebensstil unsere Gesundheit beeinflusst? Denken [...] Sie Parasiten unter dem Mikroskop und bekämpfen Sie das tödlichste Tier der Welt: die Stechmücke. Malaria, Tollwut, Gelbfieber und mehr: Bereiten Sie sich auf zukünftige Reiseabenteuer vor. Entdecken Sie