Robust Modelling Methodology Leads to Better Understanding of Air Pollution and Health in Europe (News)
Air pollution continues to rise at an alarming rate, with death tolls surpassing those of war, malaria and cigarettes according to recent studies. As air pollution continues to become a growing concern [...] computation, focusing on the analysis of very large, space-time data arising mainly in the areas of malaria, neglected tropical diseases, mortality, cancer and environmental epidemiology. Applications of this
Kinder in Ländern mit niedrigen und mittleren Einkommen erhalten zu viele Antibiotika (News)
der Fälle Antibiotika verabreicht wurden, bei Kindern mit Durchfall waren es 50%, bei Kindern mit Malaria 28%. Je nach Land, wurden Kleinkindern unterschiedlich oft Antibiotika verschrieben. In Senegal erhielten [...] Kyungu E, Philipina S, Sangu W, Kahama-Maro J, Lengeler C, Cherpillod P, Kaiser L, Genton B. Beyond malaria: causes of fever in outpatient Tanzanian children. New England Journal of Medicine 2014; 370(9):
First-in-man safety and pharmacokinetics of synthetic ozonide OZ439 demonstrates an improved exposure profile relative to other peroxide antimalarials (Publications)
progression to Phase 2a proof-of concept studies in the target population of acute uncomplicated malaria
Quality of care for children with severe disease in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (Publications)
on a detailed list of disease symptoms observed, patients with severe febrile disease (including malaria), severe pneumonia, and severe dehydration were identified. For all three disease categories, treatments
Morbidity and nutrition patterns of three nomadic pastoralist communities of Chad (Publications)
diarrhoea occurred more often during the wet season when access to clean drinking water was precarious. Malaria was only rarely clinically diagnosed among Arabs during the dry season, whereas Fulani, who stayed
The antiprotozoal activity of methylated flavonoids from <em>Ageratum conyzoides</em> L (Publications)
against Leishmania donovani (Kala-Azar, IC(50)=3.4 microg/mL) as well as Plasmodium falciparum (Malaria tropica, IC(50)=8.0 microg/mL). In the current study, we sought for potentially active constituents
Prévalence, diversité antigénique et multiplicité d'infections de <em>Plasmodium falciparum</em> en milieu scolaire au centre de la Côte... (Publications)
Multiplicity of P. falciparum infection was investigated in 196 children (46.2%). The prevalence of malaria was 54.7% based on light microscopy and 83.9% based on PCR. Genotyping based on polymorphism in the
Setting priorities for knowledge translation of Cochrane reviews for health equity: evidence for equity (Publications)
with high burdens of disease globally, were selected for the pilot: diabetes/obesity, HIV/AIDS, malaria, nutrition, and mental health/depression. For each topic area, a "stakeholder panel" was assembled
Time of exposure and assessment influence the mortality induced by insecticides against metabolic resistant mosquitoes (Publications)
BACKGROUND: Increasing metabolic resistance in malaria vector mosquitoes resulted in the development of insecticide-treated nets (ITNs) with active ingredients (AI) that target them. Bioassays that accurately
Anti-trypanosomatid elemanolide sesquiterpene lactones from<em> Vernonia lasiopus </em>O. Hoffm (Publications)
Asteraceae family, has been extensively reported to be used ethno-medicinally as a treatment for malaria. Its crude extracts obtained with solvents of different polarity were screened in vitro for anti