Important helminth infections in Southeast Asia diversity, potential for control and prospects for elimination (Publications)
Besides the 'big three'-HIV/AIDS, malaria and tuberculosis-there are a host of diseases that, by comparison, are truly neglected. These so-called neglected tropical diseases (NTDs), many of which caused
Field issues related to effectiveness of insecticide-treated nets in Tanzania (Publications)
impregnated with pyrethroid insecticides have become one of the most promising interventions to prevent malaria in highly endemic areas. Despite the large body of experience documenting their health impact and
«Der Klimawandel ist eine der grössten Gefahren für die globale Gesundheit» (News)
, und auf die Ökologie aus: steigende Temperaturen schaffen einen Nährboden für Krankheiten wie Malaria und Denguefieber, die von Mücken übertragen werden. Wird aus Ihrer Sicht genug getan, um die Gefahren
Oral fexinidazole for stage 1 or early stage 2 African <em>Trypanosoma brucei gambiense</em> trypanosomiasis: a prospective, multicentre, open-label,... (Publications)
Fridericia's formula of at least 450 ms, and patients not tested for malaria or not having received appropriate treatment for malaria or for soil-transmitted helminthiasis. Patients were classified into
Oral fexinidazole for stage 1 or early stage 2 African <em>Trypanosoma brucei gambiense</em> trypanosomiasis: a prospective, multicentre, open-label,... (Publications)
Fridericia's formula of at least 450 ms, and patients not tested for malaria or not having received appropriate treatment for malaria or for soil-transmitted helminthiasis. Patients were classified into
Arthropod Facility | Swiss TPH Research Infrastructure (Page)
important vectors because they spread some of the most devastating infectious diseases, such as malaria and dengue fever. To study the biology of arthropod vectors and to develop new tools for vector control
Synthesis and antimalarial and antituberculosis activities of a series of natural and unnatural 4-methoxy-6-styryl-pyran-2-ones, dihydro analogues and... (Publications)
of this latter scaffold could lead to the identification of new leads for the dual treatment of malaria and leishmaniasis
Longitudinal evaluation of Ocimum and other plants effects on the feeding behavioral response of mosquitoes (Diptera: Culicidae) in the field in... (Publications)
materials from plants against nuisance insects is common with great potential to compliment existing malaria control programmes and this requires evaluation in the field. Ocimum plant species, Ocimum suave
Effects of inflammation and <em>Plasmodium falciparum</em> infection on soluble transferrin receptor and plasma ferritin concentration in different... (Publications)
is still needed when estimating ID prevalence in areas with a high prevalence of inflammation or malaria. This trial was registered at as ISRCTN02181959
Antigenicity and immunogenicity of a novel chimeric peptide antigen based on the <em>P. vivax</em> circumsporozoite protein (Publications)
indicated that the chimeric peptide is recognized by a high proportion (60-70%) of residents of malaria-endemic areas. Peptides formulated with either GLA-SE or Montanide ISA51 adjuvants induced stronger