The potential of secondary metabolites from plants as drugs or leads against protozoan neglected diseases - part II (Publications)
) are among the seventeen "Neglected Tropical Diseases" (NTDs) defined by the WHO. Furthermore, malaria (caused by various Plasmodium species) can be considered a neglected disease in certain countries
Progress in mosquito net coverage in Papua New Guinea (Publications)
BACKGROUND: Since 2004, the Global Fund-supported National Malaria Control Programme of Papua New Guinea (PNG) has been implementing country-wide free long-lasting insecticidal net (LLIN) distribution
The impact of different sprayable surfaces on the effectiveness of indoor residual spraying using a micro encapsulated formulation of... (Publications)
formulation of lambda-cyhalothrin across the different types of wall surfaces studied. In areas where malaria transmission is bimodal and wall surfaces with short residual efficacy comprise > 20% of sprayable
Comparative performance of the Mbita trap, CDC light trap and the human landing catch in the sampling of <em>Anopheles arabiensis</em>, <em>An.... (Publications)
BACKGROUND: Mosquitoes sampling is an important component in malaria control. However, most of the methods used have several shortcomings and hence there is a need to develop and calibrate new methods
Health and survival of young chlidren in southern Tanzania (Publications)
net use, vaccination, vitamin A, and care-seeking for recent illness, and measured haemoglobin and malaria parasitaemia. RESULTS: In the health facility survey, a prescriber or nurse was present on the day
Reduction of anti-malarial consumption after rapid diagnostic tests implementation in Dar es Salaam: a before-after and cluster randomized controlled... (Publications)
anti-malarials leads to massive over-treatment. The aim was to assess the effect of implementing malaria rapid diagnostic tests (mRDTs) on prescription of anti-malarials in urban Tanzania. METHODS: The
Paediatric referrals in rural Tanzania: the Kilombero District Study - a case series (Publications)
dispensaries. Almost half of the referrals (48%) took 2 or more days to arrive at the hospital. Severe malaria and anaemia were the leading diagnoses in referred children, together accounting for a total of 70%
Global health initiative investments and health systems strengthening: a content analysis of global fund investments (Publications)
subset of 52 of the 139 grants funded in Round 8 of the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria (totalling approximately US$1 billion). RESULTS: According to the analysis, 37% (US$ 362 million)
Pre-existing partner-drug resistance to artemisinin combination therapies facilitates the emergence and spread of artemisinin resistance: a consensus... (Publications)
artemisinin resistance. Each model simulates 100 000 individuals in a particular transmission setting (malaria prevalence of 1%, 5%, 10%, or 20%) with a daily time step that updates individuals' infection status
CDC light traps underestimate the protective efficacy of an indoor spatial repellent against bites from wild <em>Anopheles arabiensis </em>mosquitoes... (Publications)
BACKGROUND: Methods for evaluating efficacy of core malaria interventions in experimental and operational settings are well established but gaps exist for spatial repellents (SR). The objective of this