Epidemiology and Public Health | Departments of Swiss TPH (Page)
Sensoring and Environmental Epidemiology Health Interventions Analytics and Intervention Modelling Malaria Epidemiology and Control Household Economics and Health Systems Research Health Systems and Policy
A Warm Welcome to Our New Students (News)
start of a semester is a moment of renewed excitement and opportunity,” said Till Voss , Head of the Malaria Gene Regulation unit. “We are delighted to welcome new students to the MSc Infection Biology programme
Tools for Integrated Management of Childhood Illness (Projects)
years of age died of preventable causes in 2017 including pneumonia (24%), diarrhoea (15%), and malaria (9%). Global inequity persists, with a mortality rate in sub-Saharan Africa that is 14 times higher
2.5 Million Euro Grant Awarded to Swiss TPH for Tuberculosis Research (News)
disease, claiming over 4,000 lives each day. This equates to more daily casualties than HIV/AIDS and malaria combined. It is also the biggest killer of all antimicrobial resistant (AMR) related deaths. Gagneux's
MOSASWA Modelling Support (Projects)
Indoor Residual Spraying (IRS) by Tchau Tchau Malaria (Goodbye Malaria, TTM) in Southern Mozambique as part of the MOSASWA (Mozambique, South Africa and Eswatini) initiative. The evaluation included three [...] The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria (The Global Fund) has commissioned Swiss TPH to evaluate the impact of the Lubombo Spatial Development Initiative 2 (LSDI2) implementation of Indoor [...] Group to create a connected model with data collated from the region that will...
Setting Up an Epidemiological Study in Tanzania (Page)
and middle-income countries. Thanks to the better control of infectious disease such as HIV/Aids, malaria, and tuberculosis, the population grows older. A longer life – combined with lifestyle changes in [...] diabetes and lipid profile are assessed. Besides that, all patients are screened for HIV/AIDS, malaria and schistosomiasis. We run some tests in our own point-of-care laboratory and send the collected
Modelling the Dynamics of SARS-CoV-2 in All of Its Twists and Turns (Page)
she has been focusing on malaria for many years – developing analyses and different mathematical models to support product development and to assess vaccines and drugs for malaria. A pandemic pivot When
Dual Burden of Disease (Page)
Study in Côte d’Ivoire Swiss TPH investigated the relation between infections (helminth infections, malaria) and NCDs (hypertension, diabetes) in adults living in rural Côte d’Ivoire. A biobank was established
Ministers of Health from Rwanda and Senegal Visit Swiss TPH (Page)
clinical decision support tools, HIV/AIDS, sexual and reproductive health, food systems and health and malaria research. Ibrahima Sy, Ministre de la Santé et de l'Action Sociale in Senegal, presented on the new
Safety and efficacy of oral fexinidazole in children with <em>gambiense </em>human African trypanosomiasis: a multicentre, single-arm, open-label,... (Publications)
admission were vomiting (86 [69%] of 125) and headache (41 [33%]). Seven (6%) of 125 patients had severe malaria, which was often accompanied by anaemia that was unrelated to fexinidazole. One patient died following