A triple win awaits (Page)
diseases are likely to occur are increasing. Since 1950, climate suitability for the transmission of malaria in highland areas has increased by 40% in Africa and by 150% in the Western Pacific region. Changes
Global, regional, national, and selected subnational levels of stillbirths, neonatal, infant, and under-5 mortality, 1980-2015: a systematic analysis... (Publications)
communicable diseases, including lower respiratory infections, diarrhoeal diseases, measles, and malaria, accounted for much of the progress in lowering overall under-5 mortality in low-income countries
Household Health Systems (Page)
Climate Change Water, Sanitation and Hygiene Health Interventions Health Promotion Infectious Diseases Malaria Related Activities Research
Global, regional, national, and selected subnational levels of stillbirths, neonatal, infant, and under-5 mortality, 1980-2015: a systematic analysis... (Publications)
communicable diseases, including lower respiratory infections, diarrhoeal diseases, measles, and malaria, accounted for much of the progress in lowering overall under-5 mortality in low-income countries
Impementation and scaling up of a digital Clinical Decision Support System / ICRC Nigeria (Projects)
morbidity for children in the region is significantly worse compared to other parts of the country. Malaria, respiratory diseases, diarrhoea, measles, and the nutrition crisis continue to cause suffering among
History | Swiss TPH (Page)
Dienstleistungen. Die Erforschung der Parasiten und der zahlreichen Mücken, Fliegen und Zecken, die Malaria, die Afrikanische Schlafkrankheit und das Rückfallfieber übertragen, stand ganz oben auf der For
Kuratorium (Page)
Unternehmens verantwortlich. Der Bereich widmet sich schwerpunktmässig Programmen zur Bekämpfung von Malaria, vernachlässigten Tropenkrankheiten und nicht übertragbaren Krankheiten mit dem Ziel, die gesundheitliche
Tuberculosis – time to act decisively! (Page)
then mainly with a Filipino Foundation supported by the Global Fund To Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria. Since 2010 working at the Swiss Centre for International Health of the Swiss TPH. About the article
Urban Health (Page)
rapidly propagated. Urban irrigation schemes are ideal breeding grounds for mosquitoes transmitting malaria, the lack of clean drinking water is the cause of diarrhoeal disease and the complex socio-cultural
Noma: giving a face to a deadly disease (Page)
is weakened. This can be due to extreme malnutrition, but also recently suffering from measles or malaria. A lack of vitamins or minerals could also make children more susceptible to noma disease, according