Noise (Page)
Noise Exposure to noise seriously harms human health. It can cause sleep disturbances or heart and metabolic conditions, it affects performance at school and work and triggers changes in social behavi
The Swiss Aeging Citizen Reference (SACR) | Research at Swiss TPH (Page)
The Swiss Ageing Citizen Reference (SACR) SACR is a driver project of the Swiss Personalized Health Network (SPHN) aimed to: Harmonize and apply data and biomaterial from existing Swiss citizen cohort
Strategic interventions towards inclusive and quality healthcare (Page)
In 2015, the Health for All Project (HAP) - an initiative of the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation implemented by the Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute - joined the Albanian govern
Strategic interventions for inclusive and quality healthcare in Albania (Blog)
The Health for All Project (HAP) project aims to improve primary healthcare services for the Albanian population as a whole and for vulnerable groups in particular. Now in its third phase, the project
Setting Up an Epidemiological Study in Tanzania (Page)
Cardiovascular diseases are on a strong rise in low- and middle-income countries. Thanks to the better control of infectious disease such as HIV/Aids, malaria, and tuberculosis, the population grows o
Noma: giving a face to a deadly disease (Blog)
On December 15, 2023, the World Health Organization officially added noma to the list of neglected tropical diseases, which will make it easier to combat and research this poverty-related disease. Swi
Anmeldung (Page)
DAS Health Care and Management Vielen Dank für Ihr Interesse an unseren Postgraduiertenprogrammen. Wir haben Ihre Bewerbung für das DAS Health Care and Management: From Research to Implementation erha
Anmeldung CAS Internationale Zusammenarbeit und globale Gesundheit (Page)
Internationale Zusammenarbeit und globale Gesundheit Vielen Dank für Ihr Interesse an unserem Kursangebot. Wir haben Ihre Anmeldung zum IZGG-Kurs erhalten und werden uns in Kürze mit weiteren Informat
Klinische & medizinische Weiterbildungskurse für Gesundheitsfachleute (Page)
Klinische & medizinische Weiterbildungskurse für Gesundheitsfachleute Das Swiss TPH zeichnet sich durch seine langjährige Expertise in den Bereichen Reisemedizin, Parasitologie und dem Management klin