TIGER Symposium 2020 (Page)
Closing Symposium of the TIGER Project (C) Nicolas Henon, TIGER, Interreg V Oberrhein) TIGER is an EU-funded project between France, Germany and Switzerland to support the cross-boarder monitoring and
Spring Symposium 2018 (Page)
Clinical Decision Support and Health Information Systems – Potential and Pitfalls of New Technologies 25 April 2018, Swiss TPH Spring Symposium Verein Borromäum, Byfangweg 6, 4051 Basel, Switzerland N
Winter Symposium 2016 (Page)
Building on Success - Malaria Control and Elimination Swiss TPH Winter Symposium - 8-9 December 2016 - Congress Center Basel, Switzerland The Swiss TPH Winter Symposium 2016 invites medical and health
Spring Symposium 2017 (Page)
Evidence Meets Decisions Makers - Better Use of Evidence for Better Health Swiss TPH Spring Symposium - 6 April 2017 - Parterre Rialto, Basel, Switzerland The Swiss TPH Spring Symposium 2017 invites p
Virtual Event Series | Swiss TPH (Page)
Virtual Event Series To complement Swiss TPH symposia, we are happy to also offer a Virtual Event Series. Each 1-1/2 hour session will address current and relevant global public health, research, and/
Winter Symposium 2019 (Page)
Climate change will affect global health in many different ways. Adaptation strategies will be sorely needed to prevent major negative health consequences in countries in most need and mitigation meas
History | Swiss TPH (Page)
Die Geschichte des Swiss TPH Das Schweizerische Tropeninstitut (STI) wurde 1943 - mitten im Zweiten Weltkrieg - gegründet. Während des Krieges herrschte in der Bevölkerung und bei den politischen Ents
Cookie-Richtlinie | Swiss TPH (Page)
Cookie-Richtlinie Wir verwenden Cookies und vergleichbare Tracking-Technologien, um eine maximale Benutzerfreundlichkeit unser Webseite zu erreichen. Cookies und Webbrowser-Parameter Cookies werden of
Accelerating the Fight against Malaria - World Malaria Day 2024 (Page)
Accelerating the Fight against Malaria - World Malaria Day 2024 25.04.2024 With over 600,000 deaths in 2022, malaria remains one of the biggest health threats particularly in sub-Saharan Africa. Again
World Malaria Day 2024: Work together and accelerate the fight! (Blog)
In the recent past, progress to curb malaria have been stalling. In 2022, over 600,000 people died from malaria, primarily children under the age of 5 years in sub-Saharan Africa. People living in the