Detection of dicistroviruses RNA in blood of febrile Tanzanian children (Publications)
Fever is the leading cause of paediatric outpatient consultations in Sub-Saharan Africa. Although most are suspected to be of viral origin, a putative causative pathogen is not identified in over a qu
Pathways and associated costs of care in patients with confirmed and presumptive tuberculosis in Tanzania: a cross-sectional study (Publications)
OBJECTIVE: To assess pathways and associated costs of seeking care from the onset of symptoms to diagnosis in patients with confirmed and presumptive tuberculosis (TB). DESIGN: Cross-sectional study.
Manganese exposure and working memory-related brain activity in smallholder farmworkers in Costa Rica: results from a pilot study (Publications)
Main sources of manganese (Mn) in the general population are diet and drinking water. Mn is also found in ethylene bisdithiocarbamate (EBDC) fungicides used in agriculture or emitted into the air by f
Fecal colonization with multidrug-resistant <em>E. coli</em> among healthy infants in rural Bangladesh (Publications)
Third generation cephalosporins (3GC) are one of the main choices for treatment of infections caused by multidrug-resistant (MDR) Gram-negative bacteria. Due to their overuse, an increasing trend of r
Insights into the genetic diversity of <em>Mycobacterium tuberculosis</em> in Tanzania (Publications)
BACKGROUND: Human tuberculosis (TB) is caused by seven phylogenetic lineages of the Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex (MTBC), Lineage 1-7. Recent advances in rapid genotyping of MTBC based on single
Antibiotic-resistant <em>Escherichia coli</em> in drinking water samples from rural Andean households in Cajamarca, Peru (Publications)
Antibiotic resistance in pathogenic bacteria is a serious public health issue. The growing threat is a cause for concern and action to prevent the emergence of new resistant strains and the spread of