Surveillance and Health Systems (Page)
Surveillance and Health Systems for Malaria Recording when and where malaria occurs is essential for assessing disease trends and planning interventions. Where malaria is epidemic, a system that combi
Malaria Intervention Studies (Page)
Intervention Studies and Implementation Research Malaria interventions that have been tested in laboratory studies and randomised controlled trials are candidates for large-scale implementation to red
Basic Malaria Research (Page)
Basic Malaria Research We acquire new functional and mechanistic insight into processes linked to the essential biology of malaria blood stage parasites. These parasite forms are responsible for all m
Technical Support and Capacity Building (Page)
Technical Support and Capacity Building for Malaria Capacity building is crucial to ensure the sustainable success of malaria prevention and the control of the disease. We provide technical support to
Malaria Vaccines (Page)
Malaria Vaccines Recently, the malaria burden was successfully reduced as a result of scale-up of preventive and treatment measures. Nevertheless, new tools, such as vaccines, are urgently needed. Thi
Antimalarial Drug Development (Page)
Antimalarial Drug Development Treating malaria is a global challenge. Resistance against artemisinin-based combination therapies has recently been detected in Southeast Asia, threatening the impact of
Mosquito Biology and Control (Page)
Mosquito Biology and Control Human malaria is spread from an infected person to another by the bite of a mosquito. In order to find better ways to protect humans from infectious mosquito bites we stud
Malaria Elimination (Page)
Malaria Elimination The malaria map is shrinking. In high burden areas malaria parasite prevalence has been reduced dramatically. Around 100 countries are now free from malaria. According to WHO estim
Tigermücke (Page)
Asiatische Tigermücke In der Schweiz sind momentan drei verschiedene gebietsfremde, invasive Mückenarten nachgewiesen: die Asiatische Tigermücke ( Aedes albopictus ), die Japanische Buschmücke ( Aedes
Stowaways – or what diagnostics has to do with zoo animals (Blog)
Sometimes unpleasant souvenirs are brought back from trips to tropical countries, which can give us a hard time. These stowaways may have distinguished names such as Angiostrongylus, Anisakis or Stron