Measuring and characterizing night time human behaviour as it relates to residual malaria transmission in sub-Saharan Africa: a review of the... (Publications)
broad categories: when and where people are exposed to malaria vectors and what people are doing at night that may increase their contact with malaria vectors. Among studies that quantified human-vector [...] BACKGROUND: Malaria cases and deaths decreased dramatically in recent years, largely due to effective vector control interventions. Persistence of transmission after good coverage has been achieved with [...] , namely insecticide-treated nets or indoor residual spraying, poses a...
Performance of antigen concentration thresholds for attributing fever to malaria among outpatients in Angola (Publications)
The density of malaria parasites is a key determinant in whether or not an infected individual develops fever. While the pyrogenic threshold for malaria parasite density has been well-studied, there is [...] latent-class modeling to attribute malaria etiology to the fevers and to estimate the sensitivity and specificity of different antigen thresholds for detecting malaria fevers. Amongst patients positive [...] febrile HRP2+ patients compared to afebrile HRP2+ patients. When considering HRP2...
Global fund financing to the 34 malaria-eliminating countries under the new funding model 2014-2017: an analysis of national allocations and regional... (Publications)
BACKGROUND: The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis, and Malaria (GFATM) has been the largest financial supporter of malaria since 2002. In 2011, the GFATM transitioned to a new funding model (NFM) [...] NFM to the 34 malaria-eliminating countries. METHODS: Average annual disbursements under the old funding model were compared to average annual national allocations for all eligible 34 malaria-eliminating [...] funding declines for malaria investments in low transmission countries, the GFATM...
Epidemiological links between malaria parasitaemia and hypertension: findings from a population-based survey in rural Côte d'Ivoire (Publications)
between malaria parasitaemia and hypertension in Ivorian adults. METHODS: We estimated the adjusted odds ratios (OR) and 95% confidence intervals (CI) of hypertension in relation to malaria parasitaemia [...] mmHg or clinician-diagnosed hypertension. RESULTS: Prevalence of malaria parasitaemia and hypertension were 10 and 22%, respectively. Malaria parasitaemia was negatively associated with hypertension in p [...] Participants having microscopic malaria parasitaemia with elevated body...
Modelling the relationship between malaria prevalence as a measure of transmission and mortality across age groups (Publications)
prevalence has been used widely as a measure of malaria transmission, especially in malaria endemic areas. However, its contribution and relationship to malaria mortality across different age groups has not [...] all-cause and malaria-specific mortality. CONCLUSION: Malaria parasitaemia from cross-sectional surveys was associated with mortality across age groups over 4 to 5 year periods with clinical malaria more strongly [...] surveys from the Kisumu HDSS between 2007 and 2015 were used to...
Modelling reactive case detection strategies for interrupting transmission of <em>Plasmodium falciparum</em> malaria (Publications)
BACKGROUND: As areas move closer to malaria elimination, a combination of limited resources and increasing heterogeneity in case distribution and transmission favour a shift to targeted reactive interventions [...] strategies vary, and it is unclear which are most effective in achieving elimination. METHODS: OpenMalaria, an established individual-based stochastic model, was used to simulate RCD in a Zambia-like setting
Theory of reactive interventions in the elimination and control of malaria (Publications)
in maintaining the disease-free state after achieving malaria elimination (through other interventions). CONCLUSION: RCD alone can eliminate malaria in only a very limited range of settings, where transmission [...] BACKGROUND: Reactive case detection (RCD) is an integral part of many malaria control and elimination programmes and can be conceived of as a way of gradually decreasing transmission. However, it is unclear
Models of effectiveness of interventions against malaria transmitted by <em>Anopheles albimanus</em> (Publications)
BACKGROUND: Most impact prediction of malaria vector control interventions has been based on African vectors. Anopheles albimanus, the main vector in Central America and the Caribbean, has higher intrinsic [...] Hispaniola and intervention effect data from southern Mexico were used to parameterize mathematical malaria models. Indoor residual spraying (IRS), insecticide-treated nets (ITNs), and house-screening were [...] excito-repellency. It also supports the idea that housing improvements have...
Videographic analysis of flight behaviours of host-seeking <em>Anopheles arabiensis</em> towards BG-Malaria trap (Publications)
The BG-Malaria trap (BGM) is an adaptation of the well-known BG-Sentinel trap (BGS) with greater trapping efficiencies for anopheline and culicine mosquitoes. Its continued optimization requires greater