Overcoming discrimination barriers (Page)
Tell us about your journey to Switzerland The journey, it was not dangerous, as most of the other asylum seekers have to endure, as I had a visa and came by plane. I was a resident in Kuwait since my
Hybrid Learning Brings New Possibilities (Page)
Julia Bohlius is a trained physician and has been Head of the Education and Training Department at the Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute (Swiss TPH) since August 2020. Previously, she was a r
The beauty of disease modelling (Page)
Melissa – thanks for joining us! Can you please tell us a bit about yourself? I am an applied mathematician originally from Australia who has worked in public health and infectious disease modelling f
World Rabies Day: Early diagnosis and prompt treatment save lives (Page)
Dogs are victims of rabies too How did Charlie, once a friendly family pet, turn into a rabid dog that bit three family members? Charlie was a happy dog, and the children especially loved him. When th
Using innovative new tools to advance progress in NTDs (Page)
Innovation has enabled unprecedented progress in the fight against neglected tropical diseases (NTDs). There has also been a fundamental shift from the traditional approach of treating individual pati
The significance of effective communication in times of COVID-19 (Blog)
Access to information is a basic human right. In times of crisis, timely and accurate information plays an important role in controlling a situation. Our partners of the AQH project share how effectiv
The power of people (Page)
Women's History Month is the month in which societies take a moment to recognize and amplify women in all their diversity. March also serves as a reminder of the remaining gaps in gender inequality th
World Refugee Day: together we heal, learn and shine (Page)
The world is witnessing the highest levels of displacement on record. As of 2018, over 70 million people around the world have been forced to leave their homes due to conflict and persecution. Include
Can Switzerland Beat COVID-19? (Page)
During the COVID-10 crisis, Switzerland did a lot right – but not everything. When the first patient succumbed to SARS-CoV-2 just over a year ago, the virus was still largely unknown. Transmission dyn