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Epidemiologie und Monitoring (Publications)
Bessere Gesundheitsdaten für ein effizienteres Gesundheitswesen : Manifest veröffentlicht im Rahmen der Public Health Konferenz 2013 am 15./16. August... (Publications)
Heterogeneity of obesity-asthma association disentangled by latent class analysis (Publications)
Public health genomics (Publications)
Epidemiology of Mycobacterium ulcerans disease in the Bankim Health Distrit of Cameroon and monitoring of the healing process of Buruli ulcer lesions (Publications)
Enge Verflechtung von umwelt- und gesundheitspolitischen Themen (Publications)
Absolute values of lung function explain the sex difference in breathlessness in the general population (Publications)
Association of current carotid elastic modulus and prior body mass index in elderly people - results from the SAPALDIA cohort study (Publications)
Im Gesundheitssytem braucht es Daten für Taten (Publications)
Childhood infectious diseases and vascular health in adolescence - results from the SAPALDIA youth study (Publications)