Residential exposure to greenspace and life satisfaction in times of COVID-19: a cross-sectional analysis of 9444 participants from a population-based... (Publications)
BACKGROUND: Subjective well-being is an important target in the COVID-19 pandemic. Residential greenness may help cope with stress and hence influence subjective well-being during this mentally and ph
Lung allograft microbiome association with gastroesophageal reflux, inflammation, and allograft dysfunction (Publications)
RATIONALE: It remains unclear how gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) affects allograft microbial community composition in lung transplant recipients, and its impact on lung allograft inflammation
Assessment of pesticide safety knowledge and practices in Vietnam: a cross-sectional study of smallholder farmers in the Mekong delta (Publications)
Over the past three decades, the Vietnamese Mekong Delta experienced a significant increase in agricultural productivity, partly achieved through increased agrochemical use. To abate negative effects
Effectiveness and profitability of preventive veterinary interventions in controlling infectious diseases of ruminant livestock in sub-Saharan Africa:... (Publications)
Agriculture in general, and livestock production in particular, serve as a livelihood source for many people in sub-Saharan Africa (SSA). In many settings, lack of control of infectious diseases hampe
A review of ambient air pollution exposure assessment methods in determining childhood respiratory health effects in children under five (Publications)
Various epidemiological studies have reported on air pollution exposure-related lung function decline and respiratory health effects in children. Children have increased susceptibility to ambient air
Assessment of water, sanitation, and hygiene services in district health care facilities in rural area of Mekong delta, Vietnam (Publications)
Access to sufficient water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) services is a crucial requirement for patients during therapy and general well-being in the hospital. However, in low- and middle-income coun
Long-term exposure to air pollution and liver cancer incidence in six European cohorts (Publications)
Particulate matter air pollution and diesel engine exhaust have been classified as carcinogenic for lung cancer, yet few studies have explored associations with liver cancer. We used six European adul
Costing interventions in the field: preliminary cost estimates and lessons learned from an evaluation of community-wide mass drug administration for... (Publications)
OBJECTIVE: To present a costing study integrated within the DeWorm3 multi-country field trial of community-wide mass drug administration (cMDA) for elimination of soil-transmitted helminths. DESIGN: T
Reaching absent and refusing individuals during home-based HIV testing through self-testing-at what cost? (Publications)
Introduction: In the HOSENG trial (NCT03598686), the secondary distribution of oral self-tests for persons absent or refusing to test during a home-based HIV testing campaign in rural Lesotho resulted