Defining the Noma Research Agenda

Swiss TPH Hybrid Symposium

Restoring dignity
Only complicated plastic surgery can help affected children in the long term. 4-year-old Maryam has already undergone four operations, most recently a skin graft. (Photo: Claire Jeantet, Fabrice Caterini/Inediz)

Noma is a devastating disease that mainly affects children living in extreme poverty. If not treated at an early stage, up to nine in ten people die from noma. Those who survive often suffer life-long disabilities and stigma due to disfigurement.

Invisible for centuries, the World Health Organization officially recognised noma as a neglected tropical disease in December 2023. Using this momentum of increased global attention, we now want to bring together experts and stakeholders from different fields to set a common noma research agenda. Topics will include:

  • Integration of noma surveillance and treatment in  established disease control programmes
  • Perspective of noma survivors in shaping research
  • Noma surveillance and prevention, including the role of nutrition
  • Population awareness and early detection
  • Physical and mental well-being of people affected by noma

Join our symposium and help us unite efforts to better understand, prevent and treat noma.

The symposium is co-organised with Elysium, the first noma survivors’ association.


9:30 Registration and welcome coffee (9:55 virtual check-in)

Moderator: Marianne Comparet, Director, International Society for Neglected Tropical Diseases


Welcome and Setting the Stage, Jürg Utzinger, Director, and Anaïs Galli, Scientific Collaborator, Swiss TPH


The Role of Swiss Development Cooperation in Tackling NTDs, Erika Placella, Head of the Global Programme Health, Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation


Two Decades of Noma Research and Where do We Stand Today, Denise Baratti-Mayer, Associate Physician, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery, University Hospital of Geneva


The Skin NTD Strategy of the WHO, Daniel Argaw Dagne, Unit Head, Prevention, Treatment and Care, Department of Control of Neglected Tropical Diseases, World Health Organization


Panel: Survivors’ Perspectives, Mulikat Okanlawon, President and Co-Founder, and Vava Muandane, Member, Elysium Noma Survivors Association; Marta Ribes, Predoctoral Fellow, Barcelona Institute for Global Health; Maria Guevara, International Medical Secretary, Médecins Sans Frontières; Claire Jeantet, Filmmaker, Inediz / Consultant, Elysium Noma Survivors Association


Introduction to Designing an NTD Research Agenda, Peter Steinmann, Unit Head, Diseases and Programmes, Swiss TPH


Lunch Break (60 minutes)


Break-out Groups - Brainstorming and Drafting the Agenda


Insights into Noma for Newcomers, Mark Sherlock, Health Programmes Manager, Médecins Sans Frontières  (Seminar Room 4 and streaming)


Noma Surveillance and Prevention, Manuel Hetzel, Unit Head, Health Interventions, Swiss TPH  (Seminar Room 5)


Physical and Mental Well-being of People Affected by Noma, Emmanuel Kapengele Mpinga, Head of Division of Health and Human Rights, Institute of Global Health, University of Geneva (Seminar Room 6)


Noma Stages and Re-Constructive Surgery, Denise Baratti-Mayer (Meeting Room 241)


Microbiological and Therapeutic Aspects of Noma, Philippe Guérin, Director, Infectious Diseases Data Observatory, University of Oxford (Meeting Room 291)


Coffee Break (30 minutes)

Moderator: Peter Steinmann


The Way Forward: Brainstorming Outcomes and Discussion


The Big Picture, Thi Hanh Cao, External Relations Director, Drugs for Neglected Diseases initiative


Closing Words, Jürg Utzinger


End of Event


When and where

Date Friday, 20 September 2024
Time 10:00 - 17:00 CEST
Venue Swiss TPH
Kreuzstrasse 2
4123 Allschwil
Room Seminar Room 4


{"locations":{"0":{"title":"Swiss TPH, Kreuzstrasse 2, 4123 Allschwil","description":"<p><\/p>","latitude":"47.55979","longitude":"7.55064","projects":{}}}}
Selected projects at this location:


Daniel Argaw Dagne

Unit Head, Prevention, Treatment and Care, Department of Control of Neglected Tropical Diseases, WHO

Denise Baratti-Mayer

Associate Physician, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery, University Hospital of Geneva

Marianne Comparet

Director, International Society for Neglected Tropical Diseases

Anaïs Galli

Scientific Collaborator, Water Security and Hygiene, Epidemiology and Public Health, Swiss TPH

Philippe J. Guérin

Director, Infectious Diseases Data Observatory, University of Oxford

Maria Guevara

International Medical Secretary, Médecins Sans Frontières

Thi Hanh Cao

Director of External Relations, Drugs for Neglected Diseases initiative

Claire Jeantet

Filmmaker, Inediz / Consultant, Elysium Noma Survivors Association

Emmanuel Kapengele Mpinga

Head of Division of Health and Human Rights, Institute of Global Health, University of Geneva

Vava Muendane

Member, Elysium Noma Survivors Association

Mulikat Okanlawon

President and Co-Founder, Elysium Noma Survivors Association

Erika Placella

Head of the Global Program Health, Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation

Marta Ribes

Predoctoral Fellow, Barcelona Institute for Global Health

Mark Sherlock

Health Programmes Manager, Médecins Sans Frontières

Peter Steinmann

Unit Head, Diseases and Programmes, Swiss Centre for International Health, Swiss TPH

Jürg Utzinger

Director, Swiss TPH

Manuel Hetzel

Unit Head, Health Interventions, Swiss TPH