Human Resources for Health
Innovations in Medical Education, Vocational Training and Continuing Professional Development
Swiss TPH Spring Symposium - 8 May 2019 - Parterre Rialto, Basel, Switzerland

The availability of a well-trained and motivated health workforce remains critical to the achievement of Universal Health Coverage and the Sustainable Development Goals. 140 medical professionals and vocational training specialists shared their experiences and discussed the future of the training of doctors and nurses around the world. Vocational training courses from the health sector in Switzerland and sub-Saharan Africa were showcased. Ideas were exchanged on how to foster and strengthen self-directed continuing professional development programmes. All-in-all, a good days work.
09.00 Words of Welcome, Jürg Utzinger, Director, Swiss TPH
Setting the Scene, Kaspar Wyss, Head of Swiss Centre for International Health, Swiss TPH
Session 1 – The Global Context
Moderator: Kaspar Wyss, Swiss TPH, Switzerland
09:15 Reflections on the Health Workforce for 2030 and Beyond, Tim Martineau, Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine, UK
09:30 Global Nursing Perspectives - Advanced Practice Nursing, Sabina De Geest, Institute of Nursing Science, Switzerland
09:45 Postgraduate Education - A Personal View, Greta Ross, Independent Health Consultant, UK
10.00 The Future of Work in the Health Sector – an ILO Perspective, Maren Hopfe, International Labour Organization, Switzerland
Session 2 – Successful Examples of Medical Reform in Switzerland and Abroad
Moderator: Christoph Pimmer, University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland (FHNW)
10:30 Innovations in Medical Education at University of Basel, Silke Biller, Faculty of Medicine, University of Basel, Switzerland
10:45 Translating the Lessons from 10 years of Swiss Support to Undergraduate Reform in Tajikistan to Albania and Ukraine, Helen Prytherch, Swiss TPH, Switzerland
11:00 Post University Speciality Training of Family Doctors - an Impact and Investment Case, Leah Bohle, Swiss TPH, and Jari Kempers, Qalys Health Economics, The Netherlands
11:15 Coffee Break (optional topic corners)
Session 3 – Vocational Training
Moderator: Axel Hoffmann, Swiss TPH, Switzerland
11:45 Vocational Training and Relevance for Health Sector, Anne-Christine Heerdegen, Swiss TPH, Switzerland
12:00 Tanzania and the Introduction of the Dispenser Cadre, Karin Wiedenmayer, Swiss TPH, Switzerland
12:15 A Flexible, Efficient and Decentralised Vocational Training Model, Beatrice Zulu, Solidarmed, Zambia
12:30 Lunch
Session 4 – Continuing Professional Development
Moderator: Oleg Lozan, The School of Public Health Management, Moldova
14:00 Continuing Professional Development and PHC, Nargis Rakhmatova and Greta Ross, Swiss TPH, (SDC’s Medical Education Reform Project), Tajikistan
14:15 Improving the Offer of Continuing Education in Albania - the Experience of Peer Groups, Besim Nuri, Swiss TPH, (SDC’s Health for All Project), Albania
14.30 Challenges from Kyrgyzstan, Louis Loutan, Geneva University Hospital, Switzerland (SDC’s Medical Education Reform Project, Kyrgyzstan)
14:45 Coffee Break (optional topic corners)
Session 5 – Outlook
Moderator: Helen Prytherch, Swiss TPH, Switzerland
15:15 Transformation in the Age of Digitalisation, Axel Hoffmann, Swiss TPH, Switzerland
15.30 Bringing Medical Education up to Date with Gendered Medicine, Joëlle Schwarz, Centre universitaire de médecine générale et santé publique, Lausanne, Switzerland
15:45 Approaching Health Professions Education Differently - the Case of PROFILES, Mathieu Nendaz, Faculty of Medicine, University of Geneva, Switzerland
16:00 Open Discussion and Feedback
16:15 Closing Remarks, Nino Künzli, Head of Education and Training, Deputy Director, Swiss TPH, Switzerland
16:30 End of Symposium
Photos: Joachim Pelikan