LUDOK - Dokumentationsstelle Luftverschmutzung und Gesundheit
Since 1985, LUDOK - the Swiss Literature Database on Air Pollution and Health has been collecting and cataloguing the literature published worldwide on the subject of air pollution and health on behalf of the Federal Office for the Environment. Our database contains more than 10'000 entries, primarily original, peer-reviewed work. For each entry there is a German summary and a link to PubMed. We comment on current topics in our newsletter, conduct literature searches and write reports.
We are happy to answer inquiries from the population, authorities and scientists personally via
Are you looking for general information on air pollution? Please visit the website of the Swiss Federal Office for the Environment.

Meltem Kutlar Joss
MSc, MPH, Dr.
LUDOK Coordinator
+41 61 284 88 20
Health Effects
Graphical overview of causal and likely causal health effects of air pollution.
New Studies
A selection of the latest publications on air pollution relevant to science or politics.
Recent Reports
Here you will find the latest reviews or commentaries by Swiss or international authorities and organisations.Database Search
Search in almost 10'000 German summaries of studies on air pollution and health.
Air Quality Standards
Legally binding ambient air quality standards are an important tool in air pollution control. Find more information here.Newsletter
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