MEMTI - Analysis and mapping of prospective sources of funding for additional contributions to MEMTI

The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria set aside funding to incentivize the acceleration of efforts towards elimination of malaria in four countries in the Asia-Pacific region: Papua New Guinea, Solomon Islands, Vanuatu and Timor-Leste. This "Malaria Elimination in Melanesia and Timor-Leste Initiative" (MEMTI) is additional to Global Fund country funding allocations and is intended to complement and leverage further investments by governments and development partners.

Regarding the identification of all sources of funding for the respective malaria strategies of each country, stakeholders will benefit from additional support to map current and potential additional funding streams. Swiss TPH, in collaboration with other key actors, provides country stakeholders with a set of financing options to consider as potential sources of funding when developing the malaria elimination strategies that will eventually lead to proposals submitted to the Global Fund to access MEMTI funds.

This support project was completed with the submission of country-specific reports to the Global Fund that outline findings and recommendations for each of the four target countries.


Manuel Hetzel

Project Facts

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