openIMIS - Capacity Building
Project Abstract
The open source insurance management information system (openIMIS) initiative seeks to contribute to a comprehensive health information system linking patient, provider and payer data. This system is expected to be maintained and continuously improved by an open source software community. The management information system is expected to have a modular, interoperable structure, allowing it to be adapted to the needs of a variety of health financing schemes in low- and middle-income countries on their path to universal health coverage. The initiative also seeks to create a community of practice for the software development and end users, and provide capacity development services. Swiss TPH under an SDC funded project in Tanzania designed the Insurance Management Information System (IMIS) which now forms the basis of the global openIMIS Initiative. Swiss TPH has been involved since inception of the global initiative and under this mandate is responsible for addressing the capacity building needs of the global implementation committee. Core areas of work include promotion of the initiative, building up support infrastructure for easing implementations of the solution and capturing user requirements/new feature requests to further enhance the product.
Main Applicant(s)
Involved Regions:
South Asia
Involved Countries:
Tanzania, United Republic of,
Congo (the Democratic Republic of the),
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