MoLEP - Feasibility of interrupting M. leprae transmission in Tanzania

The Morogoro Leprosy Elimination Program (MoLEP) aims to develop and implement an effective strategy to interrupt Mycobacterium leprae transmission in the Morogoro region of Tanzania, the region with the highest number of cases in the country. By applying evidence-based interventions, it seeks to reduce long-term dependence on multidrug therapy (MDT) and create a scalable model for replication in other endemic areas.

Primary objectives: To interrupt M. leprae transmission through an integrated approach by:

  • Strengthening healthcare capacity to improve leprosy detection and management.
  • Enhancing early case detection and post-exposure prophylaxis (PEP) by administering single-dose rifampicin (SDR) to at-risk contacts, while ensuring thorough documentation.

Secondary objectives:

  • Developing a scalable and replicable leprosy transmission interruption model for future implementation in other endemic regions.
  • Operationalising a sustainable SDR donation system to facilitate access to preventive treatment.

The project will also explore the integration of innovative approaches such as digital tools to improve diagnosis, streamline data collection and ensure standardised documentation of SDR chemoprophylaxis recipients. Additionally, it will seek to integrate antimicrobial resistance (AMR) monitoring and the use of rapid diagnostic tests (RDTs) to track infection status. To improve targeted interventions, we will explore the integration of the AI-based EPCON model with DHIS2 data to identify high-risk clusters for targeted screening and early case detection.

This initiative combines proven interventions with innovative technology to create a sustainable, replicable leprosy control strategy for Tanzania and beyond.

Project Facts