HPV Vaccination, Vaccine Awareness, Knowledge and Information Sources among Young Adults in Military Service in Switzerland

Since January 2023, HPV vaccination is being offered to recruits in the recruit schools of the Swiss military.

The research project investigates how recruits feel about the topic and whether the offer is also taken up. Specifically, the study has the following objectives:
- To examine awareness, knowledge, and attitudes about HPV vaccination and HPV in general among male recruits in the Swiss military (including barriers and needs for raising awareness, improving access to and uptake of vaccination).
- Comparison of endpoints across different military troops, demographic, geographic, and sociocultural characteristics
- Linking lessons learned to HPV vaccination status of study participants
- Examining the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the aforementioned endpoints, as well as attitudes toward COVID-19 vaccination and related infection control measures.

Data collected in this research project will be compared with results from a recently published study (Schwendener et al. 2022 with data from 2019/20) to examine how the various endpoints have changed in the intervening period.

Vaccines and Immunisation Programmes Gender
Public Health


Kaspar Wyss

Kaspar Wyss, Professor, PhD, MPH
Senior Project Leader


Project Facts