Comparison of the Paracheck-Pf test with microscopy, for the confirmation of <em>Plasmodium falciparum</em> malaria in Tanzania (Publications)
Tanzania, four of which experience frequent malaria outbreaks. The aim was to verify whether Paracheck-Pf could be a reliable tool for the confirmation of malaria outbreaks in such areas. The overall measurements [...] detection of malaria outbreaks. The cost of the assay (U.S.$0.62/test at the time of the present study) is sufficiently low that its routine use in the confirmation of P. falciparum malaria might also be [...] positive predictive value of 88.9%, and a negative predictive value of...
Indoors man-biting mosquitoes and their implication on malaria transmission in Mpwapwa and Iringa Districts, Tanzania (Publications)
the two districts was infected with malaria sporozoites. Despite low mosquito densities and absence of infective mosquitoes in our study, the two districts are malaria epidemic prone, thus a continuous [...] outbreak. Further longitudinal studies are required to determine the transmission potential of the malaria mosquitoes in the two districts
Efficacy and safety of RTS,S/AS01 malaria vaccine with or without a booster dose in infants and children in Africa: final results of a phase 3,... (Publications)
were the occurrence of malaria over 12 months after dose 3 in each age category. In this final analysis, we present data for the efficacy of the booster on the occurrence of malaria. Vaccine efficacy (VE) [...] (VE) against clinical malaria was analysed by negative binomial regression and against severe malaria by relative risk reduction. This trial is registered with, number NCT00866619. FINDINGS: [...] children who experienced at least one episode of severe malaria in the...