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Malaria recommendations for risk groups visiting sub-Saharan Africa: a survey of European expert opinion and international guidelines (Publications)
Inferring effectiveness from cluster randomized trials of vector control interventions against malaria (Publications)
An exploratory study using mHealth technology to describe health risks to travelers (Publications)
Challenges in the diagnosis of lymphatic filariasis in Conakry, Republic of Guinea (Publications)
Chronic ulcers in <em>Buruli ulcer</em> patients following specific treatment in a district hospital in Ghana (Publications)
<em>Schistosomiasis mekongi</em> control program 1996 : report of the activities Jan-July 1996 : results of operational research (Publications)
Les jeunes habitent la rue et la rue habite les jeunes (Publications)
Ein Hormon im Wandel - der richtungsweisende Zukunftstrend: Einsatz von Erythropoietin zur Behandlung der Tumoranämie (Publications)
Livestock seromonitoring and human brucellosis in central Mongolia: applying the one health approach (Publications)
Land is health, oppression is disease: social suffering and indigenous people (Publications)