Safety and efficacy of the RTS,S/AS01(E) candidate malaria vaccine given with expanded-programme-on-immunisation vaccines: 19 month follow-up of a... (Publications)
0012) against first malaria episodes and 59% (36-74; p=0.0001) against all malaria episodes. For the entire study period, (total vaccinated cohort) vaccine efficacy against all malaria episodes was higher [...] BACKGROUND: The RTS,S/AS01(E) candidate malaria vaccine is being developed for immunisation of infants in Africa through the expanded programme on immunisation (EPI). 8 month follow-up data have been reported [...] did a randomised, open-label, phase 2 trial of safety and efficacy of the...
Health worker compliance with a 'test and treat' malaria case management protocol in Papua New Guinea (Publications)
current/recently febrile patients for malaria infection by RDT or microscopy in the absence of acute malaria symptoms, reserving recommended antimalarials for confirmed malaria cases only and choosing to clinically [...] Across the two surveys, 77.6% of patients were tested for malaria infection by rapid diagnostic test (RDT) or microscopy, 65.6% of confirmed malaria cases were prescribed the correct antimalarials and 15 [...] The Papua New Guinea (PNG) Department of Health introduced a 'test...
The epidemiology of residual <em>Plasmodium falciparum</em> malaria transmission and infection burden in an African city with high coverage of... (Publications)
the end of 2012. METHODS: Three rounds of city-wide, cluster-sampled cross-sectional surveys of malaria parasite infection status, spanning 2010 to 2012, were complemented by two series of high-resolution
The impact of indoor residual spraying with malathion on malaria in refugee camps in eastern Sudan (Publications)
putative malaria patients were examined for parasites by PCR. Mortality rates in the 3 months following spraying were significantly lower in sprayed camps although differences in clinical malaria incidence
Malaria prevention in travelers (Publications)
approach to malaria prevention is to follow the "A, B, C, D" rule: Awareness of risk, Bite avoidance, Compliance with chemoprophylaxis, and prompt Diagnosis in case of fever. The risk of acquiring malaria depends [...] This review discusses the different strategies and drug options available for the prevention of malaria during and post travel