Acridine Orange for malaria diagnosis: its diagnostic performance, its promotion and implementation in Tanzania, and the implications for malaria... (Publications)
for the organization of health services and the provision of effective treatment of malaria cases. The national malaria control programme of Tanzania, together with the Japan International Co-operation Agency [...] One hundred years ago, Giemsa's stain was employed for the first time for malaria diagnosis. Giemsa staining continues to be the method of choice in most malarious countries, although, in the recent past [...] Acridine Orange (AO). The literature on the discovery, development and...
Effectiveness of intermittent preventive treatment with sulfadoxine-pyrimethamine during pregnancy on placental malaria, maternal anaemia and... (Publications)
areas with different malaria transmission intensities. METHODS: Prospective observational study recruiting pregnant women in two health facilities in areas with high and low malaria transmission intensities [...] risk factors for placental malaria (OR 2.4; CI 1.1-5.0; P = 0.025) and (OR 9.4; CI 3.2-27.7; P < 0.001), respectively. IPTp was associated with a lower risk of placental malaria (OR 0.3; CI 0.1-1.0; P = [...] the low transmission area to prevent one case of placental malaria....
Rapid diagnostic test-based management of malaria: an effectiveness study in Papua New Guinean infants with <em>Plasmodium falciparum</em> and... (Publications)
Background. In malaria-endemic areas it is recommended that febrile children be tested for malaria by rapid diagnostic test (RDT) or blood slide (BS) and receive effective malaria treatment only if results [...] P. vivax malaria on the basis of RDT but BSs were negative; 16 had LRTIs; 3 had alternative diagnoses. Of these 24, 22 were cured at day 28. Two children died of illnesses other than malaria and were RDT [...] RDT and BS negative at the initial and subsequent visits.Conclusion. Treatment...