Participatory mapping of target areas to enable operational larval source management to suppress malaria vector mosquitoes in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania (Publications)
Half of the population of Africa will soon live in towns and cities where it can be protected from malaria by controlling aquatic stages of mosquitoes. Rigorous but affordable and scaleable methods for mapping [...] identification and inclusion of these key areas, as well as more equal distribution of the workload of malaria control field staff. CONCLUSIONS: The procedure developed enables complete coverage of targeted areas [...] affordable, and requires minimal technical skills. This approach...
An estimation of the entomological inoculation rate for Ifakara: a semi-urban area in a region of intense malaria transmission in Tanzania (Publications)
An entomological study on vectors of malaria and their relative contribution to Plasmodium falciparum transmission in the semi-urban area of Ifakara, south-eastern Tanzania, was conducted. A total of 32
Passive immunoprotection of <em>Plasmodium falciparum</em>-infected mice designates the CyRPA as candidate malaria vaccine antigen (Publications)
An effective malaria vaccine could prove to be the most cost-effective and efficacious means of preventing severe disease and death from malaria. In an endeavor to identify novel vaccine targets, we tested [...] represents an unprecedented in vivo model for quantitative comparison of the functional potencies of malaria-specific Abs. Our data suggest a role for CyRPA in erythrocyte invasion by the merozoite. Inhibition [...] merozoite invasion by CyRPA-specific mAbs in vitro and in vivo renders...
Effect of the malaria vaccine combination B on merozoite surface antigen 2 diversity (Publications)
Plasmodium falciparum surface antigens. This poses a considerable obstacle to the development of a malaria vaccine. In order to assess possible effects of a polymorphic vaccine, we have analyzed the genetic
Pharmacotherapy, vaccines and malaria advice for HIV-infected travellers (Publications)
acquired during travel may be more frequent or severe. Challenges include the best options for malaria chemoprophylaxis, standby treatment and medical follow-up of the increasing number of HIV-infected