Multiplex real-time PCR for the diagnosis of malaria: correlation with microscopy (Publications)
Abstract Malaria is generally diagnosed by microscopy and rapid antigen testing. Molecular methods become more widely used. In the present study, the contribution of a quantitative multiplex malaria PCR was
Clinical and laboratory predictors of imported malaria in an outpatient setting: an aid to medical decision making in returning travelers with fever (Publications)
had the highest positive likelihood ratio for a diagnosis of malaria (13.6), followed by thrombopenia (11.0). Posttest probabilities for malaria were 85% with enlarged spleen and 82% with thrombopenia. A [...] information exists to guide clinicians for giving presumptive treatment to returning travelers when malaria is strongly suspected on clinical grounds but laboratory confirmation is not immediately available [...] laboratory predictors of Plasmodium parasitemia. A total of 336...
Severe malaria and concomitant bacteraemia in children admitted to a rural Mozambican hospital (Publications)
severe malaria. RESULTS: Seven thousand and forty-three children were admitted with a diagnosis of malaria. 25.2% fulfilled the criteria for severe malaria. 5.4% of the children with severe malaria and valid [...] rates of severe malaria cases rose steeply when bacteraemia was also present (from 4.0% to 22.0%, P < 0.0001), and bacteraemia was an independent risk factor for death among severe malaria patients (adjusted [...] associated with severe malaria syndromes, or anaemia severity groups. No...