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The complementary advantage of combining spatial repellent treated sisal decorative baskets with long lasting insecticide treated nets (Publications)
The mode of action of spatial repellents and their impact on vectorial capacity of <em>Anopheles gambiae</em> sensu stricto (Publications)
Self-reported competencies of nurses in providing sexual and reproductive health services to young people (1524 years): a comparative survey in DRC,... (Publications)
Gene exchange in African trypanosomes: characterisation of a new hybrid genotype (Publications)
Prevalence of clinically significant functional fatigue or weakness in specialty outpatient clinics of Pune, India (Publications)
Männlichkeit und Familiengründung zwischen Persistenz und Wandel (Publications)
Studentische Väter - Pioniere neuer Vaterschaft? (Publications)
Improving access through effective health financing: report on the Swiss TPH Spring Symposium (Publications)
Studierende Eltern - eine Chance für egalitäre Arbeitsteilung? (Publications)
Familiengründung und Kinderlosigkeit bei Männern: Bedingungen von Vaterschaft heute im Spannungsfeld zwischen alten und neuen Männlichkeitsnormen:... (Publications)