Cultural context and impact of alcohol use in the Sundarban Delta, West Bengal, India (Publications)
Hazardous alcohol consumption is a worldwide problem with many locally distinctive features across cultures, but studies to guide policy in developing countries are notably lacking. This community stu
Hepatitis-A-Ausbruch in einem Kindergarten (Publications)
In November/December 1990 eight out of 38 children of a kindergarten in Basle were involved in an outbreak of hepatitis A, and further cases occurred among family members and friends of the children.
Psychiatric, medical and environmental factors in patients suffering from environment-related disorders (Publications)
BACKGROUND: A multidisciplinary approach and a multi-modal methodology are needed to assess idiopathic environmental illnesses. SAMPLE: 61 patients took part in all diagnostic steps. METHOD: In the Ba
Gründe für sportliche Aktivität versus Inaktivität der baselstädtischen Bevölkerung 1988 (Publications)
A representative sample of 778 inhabitants of Canton Basel-Stadt aged 16 to 75 years were asked about their exercise habits and reasons for participating in or abstaining from sports (Response rate: 8