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Standpunkt : Achtung Tier! Aïsata und ihr Hund : wie in afrikanischen Städten die Tollwut ausgerottet werden kann (Publications)
Vorkommen von Stechmücken im Naturwaldreservat Langholz, Kanton Aargau (Publications)
Epidemiology of brucellosis and Q fever in Togo and the risk of disease spread through cattle trade in West Africa (Publications)
Impact sanitaire de l'utilisation d'eaux polluées en agriculture urbaine: cas du maraîchage à Ouagadougou (Burkina Faso) (Publications)
Impact and determinants of community-level SODIS-interventions : experience from a community-randomised trial on solar water disinfection (Publications)
Geostatistical model-based predictions of helminthiases risk to assist control interventions (Publications)
Über die Züchtbarkeit von <em>Trypanosoma brucei </em>und dessen Vermehrungsfähigkeit in virusinfizierten Wirten (Publications)
An evaluation of integrated interventions to improve access to malaria treatment in Tanzania (access programme) (Publications)
Spatial and socio-demographic determinants of contraceptive use in the upper east region of Ghana (Publications)
Comparisons of antigenic types of <em>Trypanosoma (T.) brucei</em> strains transmitted by <em>Glossina m. morsitans</em> (Publications)