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Functional morphology of trypanosome chromatin (Publications)
Grundlagen zur Evaluation des Aktionsplans Umwelt und Gesundheit (APUG) : Teilbereich "Wohnen und Wohlbefinden" : Zufriedenheit mit der Wohnqualität... (Publications)
Measurement of schistosomiasis-related morbidity at community level in areas of different endemicity (Publications)
Detecting malaria sporozoites in live, field-collected mosquitoes (Publications)
L'inégale expression des maladies eau-dépendantes, un révélateur des conflits? La difficile gestion de l'eau entre territoires et acteurs (Publications)
Meat intake, cooking-related mutagens and risk of colorectal adenoma in a sigmoidoscopy-based case-control study (Publications)
Impact of migration on illness experience and help-seeking strategies of patients from Turkey and Bosnia in primary health care in Basel (Publications)
Community satisfaction with primary health care services: an evaluation undertaken in the Morogoro region of Tanzania (Publications)
Non-stationary partition modeling of geostatistical data for malaria risk mapping (Publications)
Studies on the prevalence of Giardiasis in Czechoslovakia (Publications)