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Head, Heart, and Hands for Promoting Public Health : Interview with Marcel Tanner [Radio Broadcast] (Publications)
If it looks like a duck, swims like a duck, and quacks like a duck-does it have to be a duck? (Publications)
Das Basler Tropeninstitut, eine Erfolgsgeschichte besonderer Art [Radio Broadcast] (Publications)
Prospects for the development of a subunit vaccine against <em>Mycobacterium ulcerans</em> diseases (Buruli ulcer) (Publications)
Health worker compliance with a 'test and treat' malaria case management protocol in Papua New Guinea (Publications)
The slaughterhouse as data source for monitoring programmes in cattle (Publications)
A synthetic virus-like particle streptococcal vaccine candidate using B-cell epitopes from the proline-rich region of pneumococcal surface protein A (Publications)
The Chronic Diseases Clinic of Ifakara, St. Francis Referral Hospital (CDCI), and the Kilombero and Ulanga Antiretroviral Cohort Study (KIULARCO):... (Publications)
Die Reform der Distrikt-Krankenkassen (CHF) in der Region Dodoma, Tansania (Publications)
Design of trials for interrupting the transmission of endemic pathogens (Publications)