Age-shifting in malaria incidence as a result of induced immunological deficit: a simulation study (Publications)
Effective population-level interventions against Plasmodium falciparum malaria lead to age-shifts, delayed morbidity or rebounds in morbidity and mortality whenever they are deployed in ways that do not [...] shifting of incidence induced by either pre-erythrocytic vaccination (PEV) programmes or seasonal malaria chemo-prevention (SMC), using an ensemble of individual-based stochastic simulation models of P. [...] life-cycle and on human demography. Effects of transmission intensity, and of...
Marcel Tanner – Malaria jetzt ausrotten! [Radio Broadcast] (Publications)
Immer noch sterben jährlich 600'000 Menschen an Malaria. In den letzten Jahren sind aber die Fortschritte im Kampf gegen die Krankheit enorm. «Wir können die Krankheit ausrotten», sagt Marcel Tanner, Präsident