Whole-genome sequencing of rifampicin-resistant <em>Mycobacterium tuberculosis</em> strains identifies compensatory mutations in RNA polymerase genes (Publications)
Epidemics of drug-resistant bacteria emerge worldwide, even as resistant strains frequently have reduced fitness compared to their drug-susceptible counterparts. Data from model systems suggest that t
Approach to estimating participant pollutant exposures in the Multi-Ethnic Study of Atherosclerosis and Air Pollution (MESA Air) (Publications)
Most published epidemiology studies of long-term air pollution health effects have relied on central site monitoring to investigate regional-scale differences in exposure. Few cohort studies have had
The effect of cyclin D1 (CCND1) G870A-polymorphism on breast cancer risk is modified by oxidative stress among Chinese women in Singapore (Publications)
Cyclin D1 (CCND1), an intracellular cell-cycle regulatory protein with checkpoint function, can promote cell proliferation or induce growth arrest and apoptosis depending on the cellular context. We h
Anti-inflammatory and antimalarial meroterpenoids from the New Zealand ascidian <em>Aplidium scabellum</em> (Publications)
Bioassay-directed fractionation of an extract of the New Zealand ascidian Aplidium scabellum has afforded the anti-inflammatory secondary metabolite 2-geranyl-6-methoxy-1,4-hydroquinone-4-sulfate (1)
Developmental impairments following severe falciparum malaria in children (Publications)
OBJECTIVE: Neurological deficits are reported in children after cerebral malaria (CM) but little is known about the prevalence and characteristics of persisting neurocognitive consequences. The preval