Humoral immune responses during a malaria vaccine trial in Tanzanian infants (Publications)
The development of a malaria vaccine is a priority for improved and sustained malaria control. Optimal use of a vaccine in Africa will only be achieved if it can be delivered through the Expanded Prog
Trypanosoma (Megatrypanum) incertum from <em>Pipistrellus pipistrellus</em>: development and transmission by cimicid bugs (Publications)
Trypanosoma (Megatrypanum) incertum Pittaluga 1905 was found in 33 out of 206 Pipistrellus pipistrellus caught at various sites in Britain. The trypanosome is described from blood smears. Development
A ring-closing metathesis (RCM)-based approach to mycolactones A/B (Publications)
The total synthesis of the mycobacterial toxins mycolactones A/B (1 a/b) has been accomplished based on a strategy built around the construction of the mycolactone core through ring-closing metathesis
<em>Staphylococcus</em> prevails in the skin microbiota of long-term immunodeficient mice (Publications)
Host-commensal relationships in the skin are a complex system governed by variables related to the host, the bacteria and the environment. A disruption of this system may lead to new steady states, wh
Microheterogeneity of serogroup A (subgroup III) <em>Neisseria meningitidis</em> during an outbreak in northern Ghana (Publications)
During a meningitis outbreak in the eastern subdistrict of the Kassena- Nankana District of the Upper East Region of Ghana, we analysed cerebrospinal fluid from suspected meningitis cases for the most
Fifteen years of the tropEd Masters in International Health programme: what has it delivered? Results of an alumni survey of masters students in... (Publications)
OBJECTIVES: In 2010-2011, recent graduates (2008 or earlier) of the Masters in International Health (MIH) (as offered by over 30 universities and institutions collaborating in the tropEd network) were
Malaria vaccines: a toy for travelers or a tool for eradication? (Publications)
The demonstration of efficacy of two candidate malaria vaccines in children living in malaria-endemic areas, namely RTS,S from the circumsporozoite protein that reduced infection and clinical malaria
Clonal groupings in serogroup <em>X Neisseria meningitidis</em> (Publications)
The genetic diversity of 134 serogroup X Neisseria meningitis isolates from Africa, Europe, and North America was analyzed by multilocus sequence typing and pulsed-field gel electrophoresis. Although