How do Italian pharmacoeconomists evaluate indirect costs? (Publications)
OBJECTIVES: To investigate how indirect costs are evaluated in pharmacoeconomic studies in Italy and the attitude of Italian pharmacoeconomists toward indirect costs. METHODS: A literature review was
Trends in prevalence of asthma, allergic rhinitis and atopic dermatitis in 5-7 year old Swiss children from 1992 to 2001 (Publications)
Background: Changing occurrence rates of asthma, allergic rhinitis and atopic dermatitis are of public health concern and require surveillance. Changes in prevalence rates of these atopic diseases wer
Low prevalence of bovine tuberculosis in Somali pastoral livestock, southeast Ethiopia (Publications)
A cross-sectional study of bovine tuberculosis (BTB) detected by the comparative intradermal tuberculin test (CIDT) was conducted in livestock of the Somali region in southeast Ethiopia-in four pastor
Hormone replacement therapy, body mass index and asthma in perimenopausal women: a cross sectional survey (Publications)
BACKGROUND: Hormone replacement therapy (HRT) and obesity both appear to increase the risk of asthma. A study was undertaken to investigate the association of HRT with asthma and hay fever in a popula
Biochemical membrane lipidomics during <em>Drosophila</em> development (Publications)
Lipids play critical roles in energy homeostasis, membrane structure, and signaling. Using liquid chromatography and mass spectrometry, we provide a comprehensive semiquantification of lipids during t
Spatial characteristics of fine particulate matter: identifying representative monitoring locations in Seattle, Washington (Publications)
This study investigates how PM2.5 varies spatially and how these spatial characteristics can be used to identify potential monitoring sites that are most representative of the overall ambient exposure