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Combining interventions: improved chimney stoves, kitchen sinks and solar disinfection of drinking water and kitchen clothes to improve home hygiene... (Publications)
Persistence of brucellosis in pastoral systems (Publications)
Nourrissons en pleurs, mère fatiguées: que savon-nous? Une revue systhématique (Publications)
Gesundheitsrisiko Vereinsamung im Alter: das neue Erwachsenenschutzrecht als Anlass zum Screening in der Praxis (Publications)
How within-city socioeconomic disparities affect life expectancy? Results of Urban HEART in Tehran, Iran (Publications)
One health: integrated approach for research and intervention to improve the health of human, animal and the environment (Publications)
Validation of <em>Mesocyclops</em> (Copepoda) and community participation as an effective combination for Dengue control in Northern Vietnam (Publications)
Advances and challanges of social epidemiology - the social determinants of health revisited (literature review) (Publications)
Understanding relational aspects of shared decision-making in gynaecology: a qualitative analysis of patients' and physicians' as well as clinical... (Publications)
Citoyennetés, culture, et santé mentale en Europe. Un aperçu des pratiques en France, Allemagne, Grande Bretagne, Italie et Suisse (Publications)