Clinical and serologic responses to human 'apathogenic' trypanosomes (Publications)
We describe a female patient suffering from a benign self-healing febrile disease with strongly positive serology for Trypanosoma brucei. The patient showed a clinical picture with similarities to tha
Psychiatric, medical and environmental factors in patients suffering from environment-related disorders (Publications)
BACKGROUND: A multidisciplinary approach and a multi-modal methodology are needed to assess idiopathic environmental illnesses. SAMPLE: 61 patients took part in all diagnostic steps. METHOD: In the Ba
Gründe für sportliche Aktivität versus Inaktivität der baselstädtischen Bevölkerung 1988 (Publications)
A representative sample of 778 inhabitants of Canton Basel-Stadt aged 16 to 75 years were asked about their exercise habits and reasons for participating in or abstaining from sports (Response rate: 8