Genetic pathways to glioblastoma: a population-based study (Publications)
We conducted a population-based study on glioblastomas in the Canton of Zurich, Switzerland (population, 1.16 million) to determine the frequency of major genetic alterations and their effect on patie
Nutzen Behandlungsempfehlungen in psychiatrischen versicherungsrechtlichen Gutachten?[Treatment Recommendations in Psychiatric Disability Insurance... (Publications)
BACKGROUND: In recent years the total number of people drawing a pension - especially for psychiatric reasons - from Switzerland's Federal Disability Insurance ("IV") has been steadily climbing. As we
Helminth parasites and hypobiosis of nematodes in N'Dama cattle during the dry season in The Gambia (Publications)
Three series of necropsies of cattle were performed, corresponding to early dry season, approximately 1 month after the last rains (November, n = 6), mid dry season (February, n = 6) and end dry seaso
Ferrocenyl derivatives of the anthelmintic praziquantel: design, synthesis and biological evaluation (Publications)
The design, synthesis and biological evaluation of eighteen ferrocenyl derivatives (4A-12A and 4B-12B) of the most-well known drug against schistosomiasis, namely praziquantel (PZQ), are reported. The
Cultural epidemiology of neurasthenia spectrum disorders in four general hospital outpatient clinics of urban Pune, India (Publications)
Disorders emphasizing symptoms of fatigue and/or weakness, collectively termed Neurasthenia Spectrum Disorders (NSDs), typically emphasize a biological basis in the West and social origins in East Asi
Cord blood allergen-specific IgE is associated with reduced IFN-gamma production by cord blood cells: The Protection against Allergy-Study in Rural... (Publications)
BACKGROUND: It is currently discussed whether allergic sensitization may start in utero under the influence of the maternal immune system and environmental determinants. OBJECTIVE: To investigate the
PTEN expression is a strong predictor of survival in mesothelioma patients (Publications)
BACKGROUND: Malignant pleural mesothelioma (MPM) is a highly aggressive tumour with poor prognosis and limited response to therapy. MPM is characterised by complex chromosomal aberrations, including c