Comparison between anopheline mosquitoes (Diptera: culicidae) caught using different methods in a malaria endemic area of Papua New Guinea (Publications)
The mosquito sampling efficiency of CDC (Centers for Disease Control) miniature light traps hung adjacent to mosquito nets, was compared with that of both indoor and outdoor human-bait collections in
Residual antimalarial concentrations before treatment in patients with malaria from Cambodia: indication of drug pressure (Publications)
at reducing inappropriate drug use. Methods. Baseline samples from 125 patients with falciparum malaria recruited for 2 in vivo studies (in Preah Vihear and Pursat provinces) were analyzed for the presence [...] (25% and 35% of patients) and piperaquine (15% of patients); the first-line drug against vivax malaria, chloroquine (25% and 41% of patients); and the former first-line drug, quinine (5% and 34% patients)
Consistently high estimates for the proportion of human exposure to malaria vector populations occurring indoors in rural Africa (Publications)
eated nets (ITNs) and indoor residual spraying (IRS) are highly effective tools for controlling malaria transmission in Africa because the most important vectors, from the Anopheles gambiae complex and