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Brucellosis surveillance and control: a case for One Health (Publications)
Les boursiers de la Confédération (Publications)
Functional-morphology of the midgut of a sandfly as compared to other <em>Hematophagous nematocera</em> (Publications)
Wie wir für den Basler Zoologischen Garten in Tanganyika ein Erdferkel fingen (Publications)
Bilharziose et mastocytose. Observations cliniques et expérience chez la souris (Publications)
Mastocyte et fibroplasie : pathogénie des chéloïdes, de l'éléphantiasis et de l'endomyocardite fibreuse (Publications)
Clinical and socio-demographic predictors for virologic failure in rural Southern Africa: preliminary findings from CART-1 (Publications)
Significant variations of skin prick test results between five fieldworkers in a multicentre study (Publications)
Professor Rudolf Geigy on his 80th birthday (Publications)
One Health economics (Publications)