Pseudilins: halogenated, allosteric inhibitors of the non-mevalonate pathway enzyme IspD (Publications)
The enzymes of the non-mevalonate pathway for isoprenoid biosynthesis have been identified as attractive targets with novel modes of action for the development of herbicides for crop protection and ag
Electrophysiological markers and predictors of the disease course in primary progressive multiple sclerosis (Publications)
BACKGROUND: Currently no valid surrogate marker exists for primary progressive multiple sclerosis (PPMS). OBJECTIVE: Our aim was to prospectively investigate multimodal evoked potentials (EPs) as mark
Public-health impact of outdoor and traffic-related air pollution: a European assessment (Publications)
BACKGROUND: Air pollution contributes to mortality and morbidity. We estimated the impact of outdoor (total) and traffic-related air pollution on public health in Austria, France, and Switzerland. Att
Predictors of crying problems in the early postpartum period (Publications)
Objective To investigate maternal and infant factors associated with midwife-reported crying problems in the early postpartum period. Design Case control study. Setting Postnatal home care in Switzerl
Smoke-free cafe in an unregulated European city: highly welcomed and economically successful (Publications)
OBJECTIVE: In a unique setting with two identical cafes, which only differed in their smoking ordinances, this study assessed the influence of smoking policies on the choice of the cafe, investigated