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Endemiegebiete tropischer Infektionskrankheiten: Karten und Texte für die Praxis (Publications)
Subcellular distribution of 3H-labelled transmitters in rat cerebral cortex (Publications)
Ultrastruktur der Ovocyten von <em>Ornithodorus moubata</em>, Murray (Ixodoidea, Argasidae) nach Triple-Fixation (Publications)
Consistency in preventing voluntary dehydration in boys who drink a flavored carbohydrate-NaCl beverage during exercise in the heat (Publications)
<em>Plasmodium falciparum</em>: purification of erythrocytes infected with live mature forms (Publications)
Two promoters within the human LMO4 gene contribute to its overexpression in breast cancer cells (Publications)
Identification of Taxreb107 as a lactogenic hormone responsive gene in mammary epithelial cells (Publications)
Ein NO2-Passivsammler-Messkonzept für SAPALDIA 2 : Praktikumsbericht : Praktikum am ISPM Basel vom 22. Juli 02 bis 13. Januar 03 (Publications)
Prevalence of fluoroquinolone resistance among tuberculosis patients in Shanghai, China (Publications)
An International directory of health economics courses : 1997 = Répertoire international des formations en économie de la santé : 1997 = Repertorio... (Publications)